“… it was a lot of fun fishing with Jonathan! “

We met Jonathan outside his home in a relaxed atmosphere and after a short introduction we were able to start the experience. Fly fishing, as we learned, is mostly about technique and as I never had the chance before we started with the basics. Casting properly is a real challenge but Jonathan was patient and helped me understand how to do it best. After some practice we went to a nearby lake to test the newly learned skills! Just fyi: if you’re offered boots, take them! Some lakes more than others require a bit of wandering through wetlands and it might indeed be helpful. Once we arrived at the lake it was windy so it was a challenge to properly cast but after a few attempts I got the hang of it. We saw a lot of trout leaping that day and we tried various flies but due to the weather conditions we did not catch well. However, it was a brilliant experience and it was a lot of fun fishing with Jonathan! Philip – August 2019